Sunday, January 9, 2005

Rainbow body (虹光身, 光蘊身)

Rainbow body (虹光身, 光蘊身)

Alternative Names (異名):
虹光身, Hong Gworng Sun, 光蘊身, Gworng Whun Sun, Rainbow body

A rainbow body (Chinese: 虹光身 / 光蘊身; Cantonese: Hong Gworng Sun / Gworng Whun Sun; Tibetan language: Jalü or Jalus (Wylie 'ja' lus ) is a body not made of flesh, but consists of pure light.

Besides secret and unrevealed scriptures, the rainbow body is also mentioned in some Mahayana Sutras, for example, Mahayana Secret Sublime Sutra (大乘密嚴經, Taisho Tripitaka 0681, 0682) says:

They had therefore achieved the Wisdom Concentration, and acquired Mind-Created Bodies, which are adorned with mighty supernatural powers. Such bodies are free of any interspaces, bones, or substances, they are like the sun and the moon, like rainbows, electricity, finest gold, luminous pearls, Sphatikas, Pravadas, Hridaras, Campakas, Pavonine Flowers and Moons, and the images from mirrors.

In Dzogchen

The rainbow body is the physical mastery state of Dzogchen of the Nyingmapa Mantrayana and the Bönpo where the trikaya is in accord and the nirmanakaya is congruent with bodymind and the integrity of the mindstream (the heartmind) is realised as Dharmakaya. The corporeal body of the realised Dzogchenpa which is now hallowed, returns to the pure primordial energetic essence-quality of the Five Pure Lights of the five elemental processes of which it is constituted through phowa and the Bardo of Mahasamadhi or Parinirvana. This is then projected as the mindstream through the process of phowa. The realiser of Jalus resides in the 'once upon a time' time out of time, timeless eternal state that is considered a mystery.

According to Dzogchen lore, the attainment of the Rainbow Body is the sign of complete realisation of the Dzogchen view. As Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (2002: p.141) states: “The realised Dzogchen practitioner, no longer deluded by apparent substantiality or dualism such as mind and matter, releases the energy of the elements that compose the physical body at the time of death”.

More specifically, the rainbow body is constituted by the Five Pure Lights. When the view of Dzogchen and the integrity of the mindstream which links the Trikaya is realised prior to the death-Bardo (Skt. antarabhava), the bodymind of the Nirmanakaya (Tib. sprul sku) Dzogchenpa enters samadhi (Tib. ting nge ‘dzin) and commences Phowa or the ‘transferral of consciousness’ into the constituent Five Pure Lights of the Sambhogakaya (Tib. longs sku) to the Dharmakaya, sometimes leaving the non-living faecal elements of the bodymind such as hair and nails.

There have been a number of documented sightings of the Jalus process through the Bardo of death which may take a number of days to complete. The bodymind of the Nirmanakaya in samadhi, all the time decreasing its dimentionality as the constituent Five Pure Lights of the mindstream are transmuted into the 'glorious body' of Sambhogakaya.

From the case studies of those who have realised the rainbow body the practices of tregchöd and thödgal are key.

Those who have realised the rainbow body according to tradition

Togden Ugyen Tendzin
Khenpo A-chos
In 1953 Ayu Khandro realised the rainbow body.

Cross-cultural correlates

Though the Jalus is particular to Dzogchen, there are interesting cross-cultural correlates:

In the Judeo-Christian tradition refer "resurrection body" and "glorified body".

In Taoism, a high level Xian (仙) can transmute his flesh body into light (photons), can transform himself to anything, and can have many dividing bodies, so that he can appear as various forms synchronously at many places, or be invisible to human eyes. When his body disperses, he is the diffuse uncreated(pre-cosmic) energy; when the energy converge, he can appear as a living being. Such an Immortal is also called Real Person (真人) by Taoist Scriptures.

In Tantrism and some schools of yoga, a comparable state is called "vajra body," or the "adamantine body".

In Gnosticism and Neoplatonism, refer the "radiant body."

Buddhist terms | Chinese mythology | Dzogchen | Taoism

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